James Van Looy
Labyrinth Prayer (for Jack)
Ah, Jack, my best bro
the bud there will never be
another like
I love you
I’ll always love you
just for iconic you
not for what you did
but who you always were
and so beautiful too
always all ways working
on your urban ways
a poetry mobile
urban gardens
summer things
marathon poetry events
free meals
The one who saw all the
things nobody else valued
and knew where they could be
the one who noticed all the
nobody else cared to notice
and made space for them
the one who started all the
no one knew we needed
and kept them going until we
how important they were
Oh, Jack, my best bro
the bud there will never be
another like
drift, drift, drifting bro,
bud, brother
the beautiful on
who could throw a ball a mile
hard and fast
strong in the way one grows
from the lifetime of work
the bud there will be another
Relax, Babe, rest Babe, be
drift in an ocean of poetry
and loll under the poet tree
beautiful Babe, bro, bud,
there will never be another

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