In the past, we've done tributes as appendages to existing issues. In honor of the man who arguably helped make the poetry scene exist, this issue is not going to be the case.
Some of these poems have been heard on the open mike. Some were written in the early days of Jack Powers' death, some later. Some have been printed already. We're going to house to as many of them as we can.
I feel a greater sense of responsibility towards Stone Soup's past and it's continuation. Stone Soup friend Michael will be accepting anything he can for the Jack Powers/Stone Soup library at the University of Buffalo. In 2011, Stone Soup plans to submit to him, among other things, CDs with copies of past issues of Spoonful.
There will be new efforts to carry the memory of Jack Powers into the 21st century and the digital age he never got to participate in. This is among the first of them.
-Chad Parenteau

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